Kanye Wests’ iPhone Password is 000000! And He Revealed it Himself!

    Kanye West, the American Rapper, recently visited the White House to meet Donald Trump and had quite a lot to talk about. His talks went from the Wall to a photo on his phone that he had to show to Trump. If you were curious to know what phone he uses? It’s an iPhone and not just any iPhone the iPhone X. Yes, the iPhone which has the Face ID but for some reason he does not use it!

    Kanye typed in the password within a room with over 10s of cameras running from all angles and many people who could easy look at his screen. The Password to his phone is 000000, six zeros. We don’t know why he doesn’t use Face ID or if it didn’t just kick in! West revealed the password as part of a stream of consciousness speech to the president, which saw him break off on a tangent to show off a GIF of what West referred to as “the iPlane 1,” a hydrogen-powered concept aircraft that he felt “our President should be flying in.” (Trump: “Can we get rid of Air Force One? No?”)

    BTW, if you are a famous person and are going to be in front of the camera any time soon using your phone, don’t just type in the passcode! We don’t know if the hackers had any benefit from this or just anyone but it does raise a question on the way people set their passwords and how lenient they are about them! We hope you don’t’ do anything like this but to be safe and up to date with Tech, Visit RW Tech Blog.

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