AI In Various Fields! It Is Spread Everywhere You Are!

     AI is a common word you hear almost everywhere these days. You hear it often because it is literally everywhere you are or will acquire all the fields that humans work in no time. Big brands are describing todays era as the time or the ‘shift of AI’, does that sound familiar to you? Of course it does since big brands such as Google are pushing AI to the extreme levels. You may think that AI is just limited to Electronics but it is growing swiftly in other fields too. AI has gotten into many streams that we were not expecting it in the near future.

     AI at means the ability of a machine or a computer-controlled machine to perform tasks which require intelligence or qualities like problem solving. The term ‘Artificial-Intelligence’ comes in picture when a machine imitates function that humans associate with Human Minds, such as “learning” and “Problem Solving”. It is to be noted that AI and Machine learning are two different terms and have different meanings, but are commonly mistaken as the same thing. AI was first thought of back in the 1900s by the Greek in the form of Talos, Which you can learn more about here on Wikipedia. It was the Greek myths of Hephaestus and Pygmalion who incorporated the idea of intelligent robots and artificial beings. But, you don’t need to dive back in history to understand AI as we are talking about AI in various field today.

     When you hear AI the first thing that pops up in your mind is Virtual or Voice Assistants. Microsoft, Google, Apple and even Samsung have their own Virtual Assistants Cortana, Google Assistant, Siri and Bixby respectively. AI and smartphones is indeed the most common form or field of AI that most individuals interact with daily. The most common example of AI is Google Now cards. Google Now Cards use AI to learn about your interest and also suggest new items based on your interests while it is the most easily found application of AI, there are some more complex ones such as QUALCOMM’s variants of their processors, or integration pf AI in various fields as mentioned below. Some of the sectors where AI is found and is pretty common are Medical Diagnosis, Electronic trading, Robot control and Remote Sensing. For this article we are skipping thee more common places where AI is found.

  1 Finance

    AI has more to do in the field of finance than one might think. Finance was actually one of the first sectors to deploy AI to even make mainstream decisions. AI helps analyse and contextualise data and other documents instantly and efficiently than humans in some cases. AI provides services like natural language processing, data mining and text analysis, and machine learning. AI also helps detect and prevent frauds and increases security of data and other important assets. IBM has its Watson AI system which practices machine learning and natural language processing to gather insights from large amounts of clustered data.

  2 Marketing & Advertising

    This might sound a little crazy to you but in 2015 M&C Saatchi and media firms used AI to capture the reactions and the behaviour of people or passer-by to understand how the poster has its effect on people. The poster used body-tracking technology initially developed for Microsoft Kinect system. Whereas in the UK a firm which goes by the name B2E has a AI-based system called Role Exchange which became a key differentiator for its business.

  3 Retail & Costumer Support

     The most common example of customer support is the calls you get for services like loans, insurances, network provider, some scams etc. Some well-established brands have AI as their customer support which is not the best as the end result might not be flattering at all times. Seriously, how many times has you call to an automated customer service centre has gone correctly and without swearing? The most recent example of this is Google Duplex although it works as the customer in this case but same goes for the other end of the call. You can learn more about Google Duplex here.

  4 Health Care

    You might be thinking that AI is only predominant in commercial sector as all the above categories are related to commerce. No, There are many other sectors that we can’t talk about in this post. AI also plays a major role in the field of health care. Making decisions in the field was one of the first tasks of AI in the field. Back to IBM’s Watson, it is also learning to help people in the field identify possible options for diagnosing and treating patients. Watson will soon be trained in nephrology or either must be already trained for it, Since there has not been much talks about it.

  5 Law

    AI is not much famous in the field of Law but has some features. One of such feature is to screen claim for personal injury for signs of fraudulent behaviour. AI is not just changing the practice within law firms but also is becoming available in a way that can stanchly draft legal documents. Another instance of AI in Law was when a Law firm proposed the idea of AI actually capturing relevant details of a property from Land registry and entering them into a system which would take 15 minutes for a human, but just a few seconds for AI. Just as important the results produced by AI would be much more consistent and accurate.

     There are many more steams that we did not cover in this video such as Aviation, Computer Science, Education, Heavy industries, Human resources, Transportation, and much more. The list never stops and will keep on increasing day-by-day as AI is making its way into many other streams while progressing leaps and bound. There are no worries yet as all the major players in the game have agreed or sort of pledged to not to use AI in the manufacturing or dealing of Explosives. To read more of such informative articles and Tech news visit RW Tech Blog.

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