Linux Explained!! Is It Free Windows? Is It Up to Any Good?

     Let’s just assume that you are about to purchase your laptop or desktop of dreams! But, You come across a heading like pre-installed with Linux Mint or Linux Ubuntu and you are wondering what the heck does that mean? I have spent my whole life on Windows! What am I supposed to do with Linux? Well, If dealing with a little bit of coding here and there is not your cup of tea, you are definitely right! But, on the other hand if you want to save a couple of bucks and are not entitled to gaming, you can have a look at Linux!

     Linux is also a well-known operating system which made its way into people’s devices 25 years ago. Linux was first released on September 17, 1991, By Linus Torvalds. Linus Torvalds is the software-engineer who created and principally developed Linux Kernel and later became Kernel for Operating Systems such as Linux and Android along with Chrome OS. The first version of Linux was 0.01 and was initially distributed as source code only. People buying computers then were attracted to Linux as an alternative to popular DOS, Windows, IBM PC Compatible, Mac OS and UNIX.

     That’s enough with the history of Linux. Linux according to the latest report is only running in 2% of total devices in existence. Meanwhile, Android which was also developed on Linux Kernel has 73% of market Share and Windows has 83% of market share. Linux might not be the widely used operating system or the easiest to work through, Linux still redeems itself as a legitimate Operating System. Linux is more popular amongst developers and light users who have less use of their device. Linux is free open-source software that still has lot of functions and is severely underrated. Linux can run all windows programs by tweaking a little bit of things. If that is too much of a hassle for you there are many substitutes available.

     Linux install software in pre-compiled packages, which are archives that contain binaries of software, configuration files, and information about dependencies. Additionally, package management tools look after updates along with security updates and bug fixes and install those for you. Deprived of package management, application files are located in the typical locations for the system to which the developers are familiar, irrespective of what system they’re using. Package installer can be similar to store on Windows and Google Play Store on Android.

     Paying no attention to differences between Windows and Linux, Linux is considered best because of its simplicity and ability to be run in dual boot along with Windows, Which means you can use Linux as a secondary OS and Windows as you primary. There are many versions of Linux with Mint and Ubuntu being most commonly distributed. Linux offers the same level of control over your device as Windows if not more. You can even schedule or freeze updates in Linux, Something you have to comply with in Windows under a certain time limit.

     If you are still not convinced to use Linux as your primary Operating System, you can use it as a virtual operating system using Virtual Box or similar programs.  Typically, Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux distribution for both desktop and server use. If you are thinking of using Linux to save your 100$ on Windows you can know how to get it for free here. And to read more of such informative articles on Tech and Tech news visit Rohan Wayangankar’s Blog.

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