
Books- Our best friends

      In today's world of monotony and rigmarole. When in need of fun or new interests people often turn towards social media and internet. We all have become the slaves of social media rather than addicts. But, the true irony is that I am writing this into a computer to upload on the internet to blame the internet. Anyway, 'Privacy' has become a mere quality that is widely endangered. The best and effective way to attain privacy in this exorbitant era is to read. Books are a great way to entertainment, solitary and knowledge.

A Library.

      Books not only help us acquire knowledge but also to refresh ourselves. Books are not just bundles of pages but doors to parallel universes. When you read a book, you are not just reading a book, you are living the lives of characters in it. You get bestowed with a whole new life with a distinct perspective. Books help us widen our horizons in each and every aspect and walk of life. Books power and support our imagination power which is being killed by the 'Idiot box'. As once said by a wise man,' Books are to the brain, what exercise is to the body'. Books play many roles in our life like inspiration, motivators, partners, friends, guides, helpers and preceptors. Books help us get through rough patches in our lives. When going through bad times no one might be with us but books motivate and support us. Books teach us life lessons and skills that will last forever. Books are sometimes the best companions and partners. Books of various kinds are many different roles and give us different pieces of information - a novel is a new life, a magazine is a short informative book, a course book provides knowledge on various topics and a booklet contains information about a specific topic. But, all these perform a common task of proving information irrelative of the subject. Books are the source of all know knowledge to this day and will carry the same information to next generations.

A Library.

      As far as the definition of a friend goes which is- 
a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations. Books cover all functions of a friend typically- nurturing, helping, cherish and well-wisher. Book does all of this but the only thing is they are not alive. They help us cope our problems and move on with life. So, what else could a book be considered than a best friend?

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