

      The modern world is sure progressing leaps and bounds. We are not days away from hearing, "Remember, back in the days, we had physical cash?" Sure, that's a thought that occurs to all of us from time to time. Money as in cash or coins were used from the stone age as per the historical records and analysis. Money is the prime source of exchange for goods and services since then. And until this day it continues to act as exchange equipment. But, who knows whether they can make it to the twenty-second century.
      With the rise of modern technology the trend of using substitutes for physical cash is growing briskly. Credit, Debit cards along with e-wallets are some of the major ways of going cashless. But, one of the well-known and growing concepts is Cryptocurrency. With the rise of Cryptocurrency physical cash is getting abandoned. Well, Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. Cryptocurrencies are spread worldwide and are not restricted to any particular nation. Some nations are in favour of Cryptocurrencies as they bring along a ray of hope to several opportunities. There are many cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin, Swiftcoin, Omni, Namecoin, Peercoin etc. But, the most valuable and well-known is Bitcoin. 
Bitcoin was invented by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto[ and released as open-source software in 2009. You will be amazed and shocked by hearing the current value of Bitcoin. The present value, as in for December 2017 it is 14265.36 $ and 914908.86 in ₹. Observing the thrifty growth of Bitcoin some nations consider it as a hoax and have already declared it as illegal. But, as in today in India Bitcoin is legal. The Reserve Bank of India says that it has not given any licence/authorisation to any entity/company to operate such schemes or deal with bitcoin or any virtual currency. Many national and multi-national companies are accepting Bitcoins as a payment option. But, Bitcoin does not have any regulating authority which makes it intractable and risky. So, it is suggested to investors to invest their surplus money in it.
      Besides, that cryptocurrencies are ruling the world right now. Investors who have been investing in property, gold and shares are now moving towards Cryptocurrencies.It is predicted that transactions done by cryptocurrencies will be increased a by a lot in forthcoming years. So, what are you waiting for? Invest in it carefully before the price rises anymore or maybe don't!

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