What Is Your Tech Ecosystem? Are You Shackled To A Certain Ecosystem?

Are you sure that you are not tethered to a certain tech ecosystem? But, Firstly what is a Tech Ecosystem? An Ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. Now your Phone or Laptop is not a biological component of community. So, A tech Ecosystem is an interaction of technology with each other giving you a seamless experience. What does that exactly mean? Read this article to know about it in detail.

     What devices do you use? Most of you would answer in a similar manner to this- I use an Android Phone and a Windows Laptop or Desktop or I use an iPhone and MacBook or an iMac or least would answer an Android Phone with Chromebook or Pixel book or Linux. Now, What does this conclude? Many things, The people who use any of these combinations are already in a Tech Ecosystem and chances are they might never step out of their ecosystem. How is it an ecosystem you may ask? A person using an iPhone is trapped in an Apple Ecosystem, Which means he uses all the Apple services and products such as MacBook, iMac, Home pod, Siri, Apple Watch, and Apple Music. Why does he do so? It is because of the framework that Apple has created around him, When he is reading article on his Mac he can just pick the same on his phone later. He can easily keep track of his fitness with Apple Watch on his iPhone. He can play music from Apple Music on his Home Pod. All these advantages keep him chained to the Apple Ecosystem.

     Same goes for an Android Guy, If he uses an Android phone chances are he also uses Chrome OS, Windows, Google Home, Wear OS (Android Wear), Android Auto, Android Pay, Google Photos, And other Google Services. All these services are integrated together and work seamlessly. He can access his photos stored in Google Photos from any of his device. He can use all the Google Services right away and in their best manner. The fact that he gets to use the Google Assistant is just a bonus above all the other Perk of Android. Android is just the best- Is what he thinks.

     Now, Is that right? How can he ever tell when he has never tried iOS? This is the problem with ecosystems, That people don’t or can’t escape their ecosystem that they happily created. They think that they might not be able to use another device out of their ecosystem efficiently or usefully. They can’t make judgements just by just their perceptions. They should try each device without worrying about leaving a certain ecosystem. This is what is wrong about creating and getting into a certain ecosystem. A Windows guy may just fell in love with Mac’s Interface or the Simplicity of Linux. Just Kidding Linux is not Simple in anyway or form. But, the point is you should not be afraid to try out new stuff.

     Those are our thoughts on what Tech ecosystems are and how you should not be chained to one of these. Personally, We always thought that Windows was the best OS for Laptops, Until we tried Linux Mint. All we are trying to say is look around you for any changes, You may love them. That was our take on Tech Ecosystems and for more of such informative articles and Tech news, Subscribe to Rohan Wayangankar’s Blog.

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