RAM Explained! How Much Do You Need? Everything You Need To Know!

     You know that RAM is important, but how important is it actually? And is just having more and more RAM going to increase the performance of your device. Read this article till the ed to know everything you need to know about RAM. For newbies, let’s see what RAM exactly is, RAM is an abbreviation for Random Access Memory. But, if your device has 128 GB of memory (storage) then is it the fastest in the world. No, Storage that is ROM is completely different than RAM, the speed of RAM can never be compared to ROM. RAM is the fastest memory which helps your device in it’s functioning and makes your device usable. To be precise with its definition, RAM is a type of computer data storage which stores the data and machine code currently being used. So, Now we know what RAM is and what it exactly does for your device. Now, Back to our initial question- How much RAM is enough?

     To actually know how much RAM is necessary we must know what type of RAM we are talking. If it’s DDR 4 than less RAM will do, but if it is DDR3 more RAM is required. Now, the question arises- what is this DDR? It stands for Double Data Rate. All you need to know it is a generation of RAM technology. Here as logic goes the next generation is better than the previous one. The future generation will obviously have more speed, will be power efficient and portable. The best performance of DDR3 RAM will be the minimal performance of DDR4 RAM. Now, You might have heard in your phone’s specification LPDDR4 RAM. Now, it that a whole different topic? No, LP stands for Low Power RAM which is used in mobiles, which use less power than laptops or desktops. Now, that we know more about our RAM viz. it’s definition, function, and generation along with types. We should get back to our native question- How much RAM is enough? We can easily answer that, But the answer differs from device to device. No, not the company but the type of device. A Laptop or desktop obviously needs more RAM than a phone.

     A Laptop has to deal with a lot of stuff. Especially, If you are a multi-tasker, It’s Chrome, It’s VLC, It’s Netflix, It’s Office, It’s Photoshop and one after another and don’t you get me started on the background apps, Just visit your task manager once in a while. It’s a complete mess and you RAM has to clean-up after you. So, a laptop or desktop need 8-16 GB of RAM depending on your usage. And for mobile phones, it’s not that much. A phone does not have as many problems as a laptop. So, Anything near from 4 to 6 GB of RAM is enough for multi-tasker too. Anything more than is just for show-off you won’t need more than that unless you are really doing something like developing or so. But, while seeing at 4GB, 8GB, or 16 GB the generation of RAM is also a crucial factor. And for tablets, it’s not such a big deal all the mid-range and high-end tablets already ship with enough RAM. 

     But, If you don’t want to go through all of that you can purchase an expensive device that offers everything. But, If you are a considerate consumer or a tech enthusiast you should pay attention to all of these factors. And RAM is not the only thing that affects your device’s performance- A Processor or chipset is also as important. To Know about processors click Here. If you are looking into buying a new laptop read our latest post by clicking Here and be sure not to buy the wrong one in 2018. We hope that by now you have understood everything about RAM and if not feel free to comment down below. Well, that covers our take on RAM and how much you exactly need. To know more about Tech, Subscribe to Rohan Wayangankar’s Blog.

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