Google Assistant Can Soon Make Entire Phone Call

     Google I/O- The holy grail for Google as well tech lover or each and every other individual. As always minds were blown away at the Google I/O keynote held at Shoreline Amphitheatre in California. There were many splendid moments at the event such as the new maps which uses a camera for better and seamless navigation, New please action on google home for inculcating good values in kids, The new Android P and many others. The most discussed and the one that left everyone at the event and watching live in awe was Google Duplex. Duplex is something we have seen in movies from the long time it has definitely gained some street crowd. When people saw Google Assistant making calls to small businesses, Peoples minds were blown. Google showed two instances, One where the call went Vanilla smooth and the second where the call went south.
     The first call was to a salon to book an appointment for a women's haircut. The call went as smooth as a knife with butter. Google Assistant made a conversation with the stylist as a human, the Assistant even gave expressions such as Umm-Hmm. When asked to be awaited. The Assistant asked for the time given by a user and urged for the same. The Assistant was talking as a human in its own voice, which is quite human-like. The second call was to a restaurant to make a reservation, which didn't go as well as expected. This was not made in Google Assistants normal voice, But a man's voice. We are expecting this to be one of the next six voices of the much-liked Google Assitant. The Assistant made actual phone calls to actual people in real-time. This was just spectacular. The second call was what we have experienced many times. The person on the other end of the call does not respond or understand us properly. The Assistant then understood the information given in snippets by the person. The Assitant is getting a lot more smarter than it ever was. This function is not close to arrival on our devices. Although this is a handy feature, Which makes sure we don't have to make calls for services to small businesses. 
      You can listen to the conversation by clicking this link. The Google Assitant is getting smarter and smarter day-by-day. The Google Assitant by the virtue of great minds combining AI, Software, and Hardware is setting higher standards for itself. It has clearly left all the other Assistants in the game such as Siri, Cortana, Alexa and the new-comer Bixby. The Google Assistant is introduced to many new actions every day by Google and Users with the help of API.PI. The Assistant is clearly striving with pride. While Google is announcing all of these new features it is also paying attention to speech-recognition in various accents.
     If you want to know more about the other Assistant in the game you can click this link. The Google Assistant has come a long way. Earlier, People used it merely for meanings, weather, and fun. But, Now Google Assistant is helping us to be more productive in many forms such as Google Duplex, Creating Agendas, And Many other tasks. This was our take on the new Duplex feature showed-off by Google at Google I/O 2018, Which makes appointments for small services by making phone calls. All of these features are eventually going to come to our devices. To know more about tech Subscribe to Rohan Wayangankar's Blog.

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