Understanding Your Phone

     If you know anything about technology or phone, You would know that chipsets or processors are the brains of your phone. If your phone has a high-end processor built by a well-reputed processor manufacturer it will function buttery smooth. Processors carry out each and every task of your phone. Right from turning on the phone to carrying out developer level tasks and heavy gaming. A processor also handles and works with your phone's camera. So processors are involved in all the tasks.

     The major processor manufacturers in the game are Qualcomm Snapdragon, Meditek, Apple, and Samsung. The most famous one is Snapdragon which offers a lot and is used by major smartphone manufacturers such as Google, Huawei, Xiaomi, and others. The major part of a Chipset or processor is the number of cores, clock speed, architecture, and process. All of these are major factors in a processor. And every one of this is as important as the others. If a processor has 8 cores but less clock speed then it will perform poorly. Similarly, If a processor has good clock speed, 14/7 nm process, and balanced cores but poor architecture it might not be able to perform it's best. Currently, all High-end Flagship smartphones use Snapdragon 845 processor. 

     Our race for the best tech is leading us to great innovations. This journey has been amazing. We have come a long way from Monochrome to Super Retina. This journey has sure been worth it and memorable. To commemorate this journey and know more about tech follow Rohan Wayangankar Blog.

If you Did not understand any of the terms here are references-
Clock Speed

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