Smart Display With Google Assistant Launched By Lenovo!

    The smart speaker market has grown a lot in the past and Virtual or Voice assistants have seen more growth. The top player in the game is of course Google assistant and according to a recent test google assistant is better in all fields. But, We all probably knew that already as most of us use it every day for tasks like creating shopping lists, Queries, Fun, Productivity etc. and ever since smart speakers came along everyone just yells “Hey Google” to get their answers. 

     But with these speakers you could only get directions and answers by voice which is not the most convenient thing in many conditions. For example when you ask assistant a recipe in the kitchen it just talks you through the process, when it would be convenient to ask assistant to play a video and not require your phone to be around. Well, for situations like this Lenovo launched the smart display with Google Assistant integrated. You can know more of the specs on Lenovo product page here and watch the promotional video below.

     The Smart Display is Assistant with a screen and also has some decent hardware. It has a Snapdragon 624 to process and manage everything, and has 2GB and 4GB RAM options. It can also make video calls on Google Duo and supports Wi-Fi 802.11 ac network support. It has a 5MP camera at the top right corner which can record up to 720p resolution. As the Smart Display is going to be in your house at all times Lenovo thought about privacy and uses a physical shutter that hides the camera and the mic can also be muted like the Google Home.

     As it is a Display with actions like “Hey Google, Good Morning.” Results like the condition of traffic on your commute to work, the weather info and top news will show up. You get a free three month YouTube Premium subscription too with the purchase of the Lenovo Smart Display. You can play stuff from all kinds of services like YouTube Play, HBO Now, Spotify, Pandora, Google Music etc. The Smart Display comes in two distinct sizes 8” and a 10” display. The 10” display will cost you 249.99 USD and the 8” display will cost you 199.99 USD.

     The Lenovo Smart Display is expected to start shipping from August for both the displays. We have defiantly seen it beforehand at Google I/O 2018 and we think it was the same device. The display is white and the smaller variant has grey plastic cover on the back. We expect more of these kind of devices in the market from companies like LG as Amazon has already been selling their own version of smart display with Amazon Echo integration. And to read more of such Tech news you can visit RW Tech Blog.

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