Which Display Is Best For You?

     So, In this post, we are going to help you buy a TV or Screen. There are several Technologies out there and it is difficult for users to choose one as they all offer pretty much the same which is why it is difficult to differentiate between them. Read this article till the end to know about them in detail and which one is the best suit for you according to your preferences, uses, and implementations.

     Namely, LCD, LED, OLED, Plasma and Quantum Dot and it is difficult to differentiate between them. LCD is the most commonly used technology of all of these and is its price but it lacks in color accuracy and cannot properly display the black color other than that there is no noticeable difference between LCD and LED although an LCD display fluorescent light is used to backlit the panel. To move on we have LED. We have a backlit the panel that is emitting light produced by LEDs and the and the color black is also displayed properly since some portion of the screen turns off or displays color properly with accuracy while all the other RGB colors are most accurate. 

     To differentiate them by the name LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display and LED stands for Liquid Emitting Diode. The next types of display is the professional users who need the best picture quality along with good white and black contrast ratio the quantum dot panel displays the quantum dot panels are considered to be one of the finest this place on the earth and are pretty sent out the best as they have the best colour accuracy as well as white and black contrast ratio. 

     The next type of display is OLED display, one might think that all LED and LCD and OLED is might have much in common but that is not the case when we talk about OLED the game completely changes. To explain there is LED light for each pixel which lights one of the RGB colors and can provide much much better white and black contrast ratio. OLED screen has best black light as OLED switches off one LED light. The last displays are not used as much which are Plasma. Plasma is an old technology it had really good color saturation and black and white contrast but was bulky and consumed much electricity. After the use of LCD, LED, OLED and especially Quantum Dot, Plasma displays were conventional, Thus we stopped using them.

      So, Back to our question," Which Display is the Best for you?". If you are the have Minimum requirements or low budget you can definitely opt for the LCD panel a bit further you can do with LED panels which have better contrast ratio and clarity. If you are a High-End user or content creator, You should go with Quantum Dot or OLED Display.

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