
                                          Fun or Life?

      Crackers- from a long time are known as symbols of joy, happiness, victory, but, the question is are they? Do they bring or symbolize joy, happiness or happiness? No, they don't, according to a research, it shows that 10% of overall pollution is caused by crackers. Especially in countries like India many people suffer and die due to various breathing dysfunctional problems which are caused due to air pollution.
      When burst, crackers make a loud noise which has been proved to be harmful to historical monuments, old buildings and soil. This loud noise also has a harmful impact on our whole body and can lead to various health-related problems. And the gases released contribute to air pollution. Plus the heat makes the temperature high. Cracker contain harmful compounds such as Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrate, Magnesium, Copper, Lead, Nitrate and cadmium. So, long story short cracker are not joy wagons but disease carriers. Cracker are often known as 'Illuminators of the sky' but what would you prefer an illuminated sky or a healthy life? Bursting crackers provides us with a moment of happiness and lifetime of diseases. Crackers are not a primary way to celebrate joy. There are other methods which can be used to enjoy and care for the mother nature at the same time. For eg. adopting homeless pets can also give you joy and feeling of satisfaction and helps animals too. Children are often amazed by crackers and beg for them. But, they don't understand what this amusement is going to cost them.
      But, we as adults can explain them and give our helping hand to stop pollution. This will also help in providing a healthy, safe and pollution-free life to us and the future generations. Every year a total of 300K people die just due to the pollution caused by crackers. And it's primary targets are kids. So how do you like them now?

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