How Do URLs Work? List of All Domains In All Types!

     If you have ever used the internet, Which checks out since you are retrieving this from the internet, But you have definitely used and typed in a URL. URL, Uniform Resource Locator is what you have used to navigate to a certain location on the internet. While most of you may know that a URL is basically the location of a website on the internet. There are many simple URLs like and, Although there some doubts related to URL, Which you may need to sought out.

     Like what’s the point of http or https at the beginning or various endings like .gov, .org, .in, .be etc. You are at the right place brother. The https or https in the beginning stand for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and are used to handle the conduction of webpages around the internet. This is simple and you may have learnt that in school. But, what about others like FTP or mailto: while using email? Well, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol which basically means this is used for file transfer to and from a remote server and your device. mailto: says that this is a email client sending an email.

     The next and easiest part of the URL is the Domain name, Which means the name of the site in most of the cases like and others. The next tricky part is the endings like .com, .gov, .us etc. These are called Top Level Domain or TLD, Which categorizes various sites on the internet. There are several types of categories based on countries, organisations, Commercial websites, government websites etc. There is a list below of all the TLDs commonly used with their types.

     You may have noticed URLs like while sharing a link, Buy you don’t live in Belgium, What is this then? Well, these are the kind of shorter used to shorten URLs and have nothing to do with countries. The addresses you notice after / are the path inside a particular website like . They are just like the paths to a certain folder in your PC. We hope that you are able to understand URLs better that ever before and here goes the list of TLDs-

Top Level Domains Based On Locations
Unites States
United Kingdom
Site Function Based Domain
Non-Profit Organisation

     That was us just enlightening you on how URLs actually work and what their actual meanings are. We hope now you will understand that Wikipedia is an .org organisation and YouTube is a commercial website. Either way that is all you need to know about URLs and what each and every part actually means for you. To read more of such awesome articles and know more about tech and tech new, Subscribe to Rohan Wayangankar’s Blog.

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